Ema's site

Data scientist, teacher, researcher in Milan, Italy


Emanuele Moscato

Data scientist

I’m Emanuele, welcome! Here you can find some information on who I am and what I do - in case you want to contact me, use one of the buttons below.

I’m a theoretical physicist by background: I brought my childhood passion for those “big strange things in the sky” well into adulthood, as I ended up doing a PhD in the field of string theory (if you’re curious about my work, have a look at the publications section!) in London, UK.

Then I discovered that maths can be used to solve many more problems than theoretical puzzles in strange spacetimes, problems that are more pressing for us humans and that can be tackled using data. The startup environment in London was kind enough to welcome me in various companies, where I learned the tricks of the trade to apply machine learning to real-world problems.

I came back to Italy to work as a data scientist but soon after I had to face a new challenge as I became the manager of a wonderful team working hard on the optimization of logistics. A hard problem, believe me.

Some companies and some teams later I realized I wanted to try something different and have a more direct social impact: I became a teacher in the italian public education system. Those have been the strangest and probably most intense five months of my life: I tried to teach maths and physics to a crowd of 150 teenagers ranging from 14 to 19. Not sure I succeeded, but I tried for sure!

I’m a researcher and a teacher at heart: I like to investigate problems, use maths, write code (Python please!). I see every project as an occasion to grow and “teach myself how to…” - and then teach others. This naturally led me back to academia: after some months in the Physics department at the University of Milano-Bicocca I’m now a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University, working on the application of machine learning to language.

On top of this, I’m a martial arts instructor, a keen guitar player and the proud owner of a super fast dinghy boat I have little to no idea how to use!

selected publications


  1. Unitary 4-point correlators from classical geometries
    Alessandro Bombini, Andrea Galliani, Stefano Giusto, and 2 more authors
    Eur. Phys. J. C, 2018


  1. Correlators at large c without information loss
    Andrea Galliani, Stefano Giusto, Emanuele Moscato, and 1 more author
    JHEP, 2016


  1. AdS_3 holography for 1/4 and 1/8 BPS geometries
    Stefano Giusto, Emanuele Moscato, and Rodolfo Russo
    JHEP, 2015